Trust God.


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Who needs worldly love when you have God’s love?

Who needs money when you have God to supply all your needs?

Why is doubt your best friend? Sin is your enemy , not your friend.

So why is God at the end of your day and not the beginning?

I will you give you some Hope….I hope you trust in the Lord with all your heart.


A Woman After God’s Own Heart ♥


Faith Staring Back At Me….


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I can’t see it or touch it but I know it’s there.

Only a little of it is needed. It will carry you far.

It could move mountains and bring forth miracles

in a blink of an eye. I look in front of me with my eyes wide-opened

and there lies FAITH staring back at me.



A Woman After God’s Own Heart


Me, God & The Flu….


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It started off with a slight cough, then the fever kicked in out of no where. What’s happening I thought? As the day went on my body had chills and severe muscle aches all over, to the point where I could not walk. I had felt like it was the end of the world. That would have been great, ideally speaking because the world has nothing for me.

I had laid and struggle with this Flu for three days. The irony of it all is how God allowed me to see my sickness and relate for just a minute of how someone who had cancer felt for something that was much more severe and terminal. Let alone dealing with the chemo treatments and losing their hair.

My appetite was suppressed and all I can do is cry out in pain and ask God to just get me through this. Yes, I prayed for something as simple as the Flu. I know many wouldn’t say a prayer, but reach for the medicine cabinet. Well, this Flu I had that my children would now face as well, needed some Jesus first.

My eight year old daughter would now feel the pain I had felt. Then my four-year old now sits with it. I remember saying to them if I could take on your sickness I would.  Wow, how then the connection was made of what Jesus really had done for you and I. Taking on the sins of the world. Thank you Lord!

I sent some prayers up while giving some love to them. We still mustard enough strength and courage to say ” I Love You,” to each other and smile every now and then. We cuddled together and was grateful because we found more meaning as a family, but most importantly, we thought of others in dire situations.

But a true blessing came about, because I found myself starting this blog through all my pain and suffering to blog for God and share stories that would warm hearts. I had God and my laptop.

My sickness did not defeat me, but allowed transformation. So when you are sick with a cough or even the flu, think of those who are far worse than you. You will then realize you have little to complain about, but everything to be thankful for, and prayers to send up to an awesome God.

A Woman After God’s Own Heart ♥


A Miracle of Faith By A Seven Year Old


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Marcy Lou was seven years old when she overheard her parent’s talk about how sick her little sister Mary was. Mary was very much in need of a life saving operation. The parents had done all they can. There funds were completely drained because they had exhausted all avenues of raising any more money to pay for Mary’s outrageous medical bills, let alone an operation.

Mary would need a surgery that would cost a great deal of money to save her life. Her parents proclaimed, in a monotone whisper as they embraced each other with tears streaming down there face, ”only a miracle from God can save our daughter!”  Marcy Lou ran to her room and retrieved, and emptied her piggy bank and counted out exactly seven dollars and thirty cents.

Marcy Lou sneaked out the condo, and went to the local doctor, down the street about three minutes from their condo. She asked to speak to the doctor by his assistant, but was told he was in with a patient. She said it is very important I see him. She waited and waited and suddenly the doctor walks out, but doesn’t seem to notice Marcy Lou standing there. She begins to tug at his white lab coat, but he shuns her off.

She said, look I have seven dollars and thirty cents, in a loud voice that gets everyone’s attention in the waiting room. The doctor looks at her and says, “What can I do for you?” Marcy Lou says it’s not for me, but for my little sister who needs a miracle. She goes on to say, “I hear you save lives, right? “Well, can you save my little sister Mary?”  I have the money right here to pay for a miracle, it’s all I got left.

The doctor asked, “Well what’s wrong with Mary?” I don’t know, my parents just said she needs to have surgery. This is all the money we have left. The doctor took the seven dollars and thirty cents and said you are in luck because that is the going rate for a miracle today. Tears were streaming down the face of some of the patients who were waiting to be seen, of this courageous act from a seven year old girl.

He took Marcy Lou home and sat with her parents and agreed to do the surgery for seven dollars and thirty cents. How much does a miracle cost? A miracle would cost seven dollars and thirty cents and the faith of a seven year old.

The doctor was a well-known surgeon who performed Mary’s surgery. They live as a happy family who witnessed a miracle. I ask you where is your faith. Do you have the faith of a seven year old? Perhaps Marcy Lou can teach us all something, like faith and hope when it seems hopeless.

May this story warm your heart while encouraging your faith!This story was shared in a service in a different way than I can remember, no author was given. So I have written it best I know how to convey the message of faith.

Blessings to you and come again.

A Woman After God’s Own Heart ♥


Wrongly Convicted & Gang Raped…


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Speak of a pain that is unexplainable. A hurt so deep that only God can suture. I have been told the most horrible news of my first cousin who was arrested and tried as an adult at the age of sixteen, who is now 32, was wrongly convicted of murder after new evidence. How heartbreaking.

I thought this is bad, but good news because he would be free now and we could all fellowship and catch up like old times. But it wouldn’t be like old times because what he endured is horrific, but it happens still today to others.

The next news tore me to shreds because it someone’s child, and truth be told still a baby. I am sure you can imagine if you have a sixteen year old. If not then try. The news my sister will tell me now was to much for me to stomach. My cousin was placed in adult prison with adults and was held down and gang raped by four inmates, tears running down my face in disbelief and shock. 

Yet, there was more news, he contracted AIDS from his predators. My heart has been torn and I just pray for our children and others who are in ways to being violated in such a horrible fashion. I ask for your prayers and not your prejudices to pray for him and that God gives him comfort and that he finds peace in God.

God is still faithful even after receiving such news. I know God is God and he answers prayers. Will you pray? Would you take the time to pray for him? Add him to your list of the wounded and wrongly convicted. Jesus, understands this all so well. Being wrongly convicted that is. I find peace in that. Amen.

Thank you for your hearts, if you can just give them to God to receive the prayers for him and others.

A Woman After God’s Own Heart


Be An Original: You Are So Worth It !


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How many of you are competing with a friend,relative or neighbor? You got to have what they have and better. Is this healthy living? Is it Godly?

Don’t get caught up with what others have because you really don’t know how they acquired it and if they are financially stable. Some people replace material things because of lack of love in a relationship. They substitute it for true love. Godly love does not envy, or boast.

Usually people who boast are empty on the inside and must put up a front on the outside. Do you know how Susie Jones got that Mercedes Benz? Is it really hers if truth be told? Perhaps she is doing tricks at night to sport her fetishes for material things. Maybe she has low self esteem. Maybe the guy in your life sports a Benz because it gives him an identity or make him feel like he has accomplished something. But the only thing he has accomplished is being in debt, and living from check to check.

Maybe he or she got their eyes on a certain person and is trying to impress them. So you see be who God created you to be and be content with what you have, even if it seems like little. If you are competing with someone, asked yourself why?

Seek God for answers on why you must continuously be a duplication when He made you an original.

A Woman After God’s Own Heart


When A Friend Lies 2 You.


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Have you ever been in a situation where a trusted friend lied to you? What is the best way to respond? First, it usually comes as a shock. You don’t want to believe that your trusted friend actually lied. Sooner or later you realize that she did, and you feel hurt, upset, angry and perhaps betrayed.

You don’t want to start any chaos, but your friend’s dishonesty is unacceptable to you. Should you confront her? It’s up to you to decide if you should take her face to face, but if you want to restore the relationship and begin to trust your friend again, you will have to get past this incident. If not then move on after giving her your reasons.

I have to say we must analyze the lie, and the motives behind it. First, give your friend the benefit of the doubt and make sure she didn’t say something inadvertently that was more mistake than a bold out LIE. Once you have established that she outright lied, you should probably bring it to her attention if you hope to resolve the issue.

She may readily admit that she fibbed, or she may try to hide it or make excuses. Tell her in a kind way that you cannot trust someone whom is less than honest. If she does not admit the truth and apologize, it might be best to reconsider the relationship. Pray for her.

However, make sure you also keep things in perspective. If it was “a little white lie” to avoid hurting your feelings or someone else’s, don’t blow it out of proportion. Explain to your friend that in the future you would prefer the truth, no matter what.


There are times when even good people lie. Knowing this does not make it smart any less, but knowing that even your closest friend is human and that she makes mistakes, should help you figure out the best way to deal with the situation. Setting the example by practicing honest communication at all times, should help your friend see how important it is for her to be truthful with you.

If your friend confesses up and seeks your forgiveness, be gracious. Forgive her and drop the subject. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you will forget the situation right away, or ever. In fact, you probably shouldn’t forget completely. When someone lies we need to be careful about believing what they say in the near future.

I have a friend who lied to me recently in hopes to compete and cause me to envy or become jealous. It is not my character because God is my supplier and He shall supply what I need not wants. Material things can ruin friendships. I have yet to confront my friend because I first must seek God, so that I do not fall into flesh and emotions. I am dumb founded to the whole act and disappointed too.

I still will love with the heart of God, but at a distant. This isn’t the first lie this person has told to me. Some people don’t know or value true friendships until it’s gone. I am becoming distant because life is to short to have people you trust, lie for no reason. Both persons must have a deep respect for the friendship.

As of now I will hold my tongue and seek God on this issue for His direction.

A Woman After God’s Own Heart

Raped But Rescued


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How many of you have been raped? It doesn’t matter if it was sexually, emotionally, or mentally. You feel deprived of something that was rightfully yours. Something was taken from you that was not suppose to be.

Sexually deprived by something that is to be saved for the love of your life or choosing; now taken by a stranger, or worst yet someone who you thought you could  trust like the betrayal from a family member or a close friend. How could someone exchange body fluids with you against your will? What gives one the right to such a horrible, selfish and disgracing act?  

I know your pain in some form or another. You are not alone so don’t allow the enemy to trick and deceive you any longer. Tae back what’s yours and become Victor and not victim today.

Perhaps you feel like you are the unworthy wife because you have been raped of the love you so much deserve. You might be the wife who was promised the life of being a mother, but your spouse says not now, the same words you heard three years ago, or he or she no longer wants to have children at all. Your biological clock is ticking. What went wrong with marriage and children?

Perhaps you hold the world record for being engaged the longest. Where is the ring? You find yourself attending weddings, instead of walking down your wedding day. All the false promises and days of hope for the words “I do,” to come. But now they seem so far away. You feel unworthy and raped from experiencing the true committment of husband and wife, or becoming a mother or father.

Life really has a way of taking what belongs to us, but there is hope. Really there is, but you must believe. Do you believe? God is our rescuer in our time of trouble and despair. You don’t have to be raped and waddle in it, but you can become rescued by a Savior who heals and saves, no matter your condition, or situation.

Will you committ to Christ and hand over the pain, lies, false promises, untruths, and unknowns of tomorrow? Try Him, you won’t regret it. Don’t give up on God and He won’t give up on you. It is not easy when you have been raped, but this time will you trust God, and not man?

A Woman After God’s Own Heart


Married But Parenting Alone


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Many married women seem to be living a double life today. Despite the fact that they are one of two parents in a household, they have taken on the responsibility of being the parent who parents. They are the mothers and dads who do everything from attending Parents’ Night at school to taking days off from work to care for a sick child, without any help from their spouses. As a parent it is the most frustrating situation to deal with.

Whether working full-time outside the home, or choosing to be a stay-at-home mom, some women are finding that all of the responsibility of raising a child falls all on them. You find no time left to pamper yourself. You feel guilty if you do go out for once in a lifetime. Or you get calls while you are out asking when will you be home.

God says husband and wife are equally yoke!

I believe responsibility sould not fall to one parent.  We decided that I would be a stay-at-home mom but that shouldn’t mean I have no time for myself. I am grateful that my spouse takes time to participate in our children’s lives. But this is not the case for all homes. My heart goes out to you. I was once in these shoes in a previous marriage .

Some moms or stay at home dads are doing it all from driving to and from practices, the ongoing doctors and dentist appointments, cooking, cleaning, paying bills, and everything that comes up. Even though the spouse is in the house, many feel like their spouse is a visitor who never left. 

After a long exhausting day, your work is not done because your mate now needs intimacy. You are exhausted and possibly ridiculed because of your lack of desire in this area. What gives? It needs to be balance for healthy relationship.

 In a two parent home, both parents need to live up to their responsibilities and share the raising of their children. The idea of one parent doing all the work, while both parents reap the joy of having children, is outdated and UnGodly in my opinion! Stop pretending to be happy with material things when you know you are unhappy, feeling unloved, and all alone in the marriage. Stop making excuses! Peel the layers away and be renewed with God’s true purpose for marriage.

Confront the problem and not cover it up.

Are your children happy? Perhaps they also are reaping the sorrow of having only one parent participation. Talk with them and don’t make it all about you.

Being a parent is a joy and an honor from God, as well as a responsibility. Children are miracles not mistakes. Blessings, not burdens. So sit down with your spouse and confront the situation before it causes division. Balance the chores and alternate the days of being involved in the children day today activities. Most importantly, remember stay at home mom is a full time job.

God blessed you with children, so will you blame them for your misery or will you see God for the instructions of these little miracles?

A Woman After God’s Own Heart


Should I Send The Text Message ?


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You are sitting with your cell phone in your hand staring at a text message you wrote to your ex some hours ago. You debate whether to send it or not. You stare at your phone while your heart tells you to let go and have some integrity and dignity about yourself.

Will sending the text message make you feel better or bring the two of you back together? Will it make the pain go away? You are so into this you do the inevitable and send it without giving a thought to God. You could have prayed first and sought God, but you chose to handle things your way out of desperation. 

Your mind says, “I deserve more. Your heart says, “stay, it will work out.”

If you were in a relationship where it was obvious that you were not receiving the love, respect, or engagement ring that you deserve, then your mind was probably nudging you during the relationship and asking you, “Why are you still here?” You remained in that relationship for longer than you should have because your heart believed that your mate and relationship could change.

Was or Is God Part of The Plan?

It takes three in a relationship. If you don’t set boundaries based on God’s commandments then you will face some unnecessary heartbreaks. We are supposed to be married to God first. No relationship or love should be pressured or forced, but freely. Just like God gives us freewill to choose Him.

Look at your relationship and consult God as soon as possible. Listen to His voice and not your heart because sometimes our temporary emotions can make permanant decisions that can cause undue pain. sometimes our heart speaks and acts out of fear.

You text Him and he never responded, so now you are worse and falling apart. You feel ten times worse after sending the text. Could this be it? Is this the end? If only your bible was falling apart, because then you wouldn’t be. 

Fear is not of God. Trust God from the beginning. Because when the breakup happens you may not have faith in God. You may even blame Him. God is a comforter, that;s what he promises. 

A Woman After God’s Own Heart