
The Broken Heart From A BreakUp


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Welcome to the Broken but Blessed! Your partner has just split your heart into two. What was once whole is now shattered into a million pieces. You are wondering if it is real or a dream that you hope to awake from. He or she was your best friend, your lover; perhaps they occupied a part of your home, most certainly a sentimental piece of your heart. And now, the blanching news has renderd a sharp blow to the heart, causing it to flutter, and then stop at a beat so faint that you feel dead, but much alive to the pain.

Without them in your life you feel alone and unworthy to live any longer. I am nothing, you fear. Your heart is torn. Broken up – the words that shreds into the core of your soul. I’m postively sure we all have suffered from a broken heart at some point and time, right? They say time heals.

I beg to differ, God heals. Time can destroy you if you don’t have a higher being to strengthen you. So time with God heals, not time. Only God can mend a broken heart, but all the pieces must be given to Him. Don’t go on a rebound after someone breaks up with you. Seek God first and right a way.

Many blessings to you, and come again.

A Woman After God’s Own Heart.




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A Woman After God’s Own Heart

I can go on to tell you all about me. How I am a mother of five and married to a great man, but this here blog is not about me directly. It’s about words of truth, stories of encouragement to embrace and an unconditional love for those who are willing to accept without prejudice. Many times our healing lies in our experiences and others old and new. So share them!

Here we can share hearts by sharing truth no matter how ugly, or dark it is . By embracing the fact that we are all in this messed up world together trying to find peace, comfort and a love that keeps on loving us when we fail to love ourselves. There is only one love that can fulfill this….it’s the love of God! Would you agree?

So why are we running away from something we need so desperately (GOD) ? Why are we masking our hurts with material things? Why are we finding comfort in alcohol, drugs, sexual immorality, gambling, and physical or emotional abuse? Why are we trusting man, and not God?

My point is we are all struggling with something or someone or most importantly ourselves. You can deny it or face it, but you don’t have to do it alone. Journey with me by sharing your stories and hearts. Let us together peel away the layers of the world and allow God to grow inside us.  It’s your free will to choose. I’m offereing love, truth and fellowship.

Will you accept my invitation? God has already accepted the invite. He is with us every step of the way.

A Woman After God’s Own Heart ♥